(7-18 months)
(0-7 months)
All session listed below are eligible to be claimed on your extended health benefits, direct billing is available.
Wednesday & Saturday 10AM - 4PM
A hydrotherapy session involves exercising while being submerged in water. It promotes the neurological and physical development for your baby. Boots sleep quality, relieves gas, builds muscles, improves coordination, balance, increases appetite and cardiovascular function.
In combination with massage therapy, infant massage uses gentle rhythmic stroking techniques specifically designed for infants. Massage promotes relaxation, provides a nurturing and positive touch and boosts the immune system, treats conditions like torticollis.
(0-18 months)
60 Minute Session ................... $100.00
(0 months - 18 years old)
Whether the massage happens on a traditional massage table, on a mat on the floor or coloring and playing with sensory toys. Each massage is tailored to your child's needs, and what works best for them. Their bodies are constantly developing and changing. Massage can help relieve muscle pain/tension, growing pains, stress, anxiety and so much more.
30 Minute Session ................... $65.00
45 Minute Session ................... $80.00
60 Minute Session ................... $100.00
(0 weeks - 40 + weeks)
Pregnant women often go through different anatomical and physiological changes. Massage can be a safe and effective way to relieve those aches and pains. It also comes with a few extra bonuses as well. Reducing muscle and joint pain/tension, improves circulation, reduces edema (swelling), improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles, better sleep and prepares body for labor and delivery.
60 Minute Session ................... $100.00
90 Minute Session ................... $140.00
Take advantage of a relaxing chair massage while your little one splashes around in the water
10 Minute Session ................... $15.00
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